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United States
19 going on 20. in love with Jesus♥♥ this journey just keeps getting better. join me? and maybe you could share yours with me. :) lovelovelove.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

the next BIG thing in music. :)

dear reader,

You're probably wondering who the next BIG thing in music is, or by what authority i declare them "the next BIG thing in music" right? Here it is, plain and simple; by God's authority.
I know that anyone and everyone who lives to please the Lord, will have their share of blessings fall on them, including God's guidence through everything and success granted from God alone.
By that i mean... using your God given gifts, not as a form of entertainment for the world, but as a direct approach at thanking God by using them for His Glory, and His Glory alone. So in three words, here's the next Big thing; *drumroll please*

The band consists of four guys; Austin Adamec, William Smith, Asher Adamec & Robert McMinn. :)
I just recently found out about them through, yes, Twitter. Twitter seems to be the IT thing lately, for some odd reason. haha ;)
Anyways, this is by no means an attempt at song reviews, band reviews, or a biography about this rising band. This is just from a girl who felt moved to help them spread the word about their ministry. If you wanna read a biography/listen to
their music, go here; http://www.myspace.com/bygracerock
As you will see, they only have a few things up at the moment, but have a 3 song EP coming out September 26th (can't get here fast enough ;)) which will be on iTunes.
But what is up on there, is great. I can't wait for more.

So that's about it, i simply wanted to help them spread the word as they are rising from Jacksonville, Florida into the rest of the world. Remember their name.

For more info on the band & what they're up to visit the following sites; and follow them on Twitter :)

Myspace; http://www.myspace.com/bygracerock
Twitter; http://twitter.com/bygracemusic

Blog; http://bygracemusic.blogspot.com/

I hope you will like, (and that your like will grow to love) and support them. :)
They could really use a lot of prayer right now, specifically for "Wisdom & discernment when making decisions as a band and also continued unity within the band." -- their own words. :)

thanks for readinggg! God bless.

all my love; gabyyy.


  1. Good blog! ;) I understand what you mean. It is clear that the band members have a true passion for God. And they want their voices to be heard, for His glory! That is such an amazing, and beautiful thing. :) I love you're point of view, this blog, and THE BAND! :) God bless.

    -Another Sarah

  2. *Good blog* I also heard about "By Grace" through Twitter and I love their music :D On Amazon.com they have the EP for "By Grace" but it says the Original Release Date is Aug 18th 2009. I think I might just buy it when it releases.
