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United States
19 going on 20. in love with Jesus♥♥ this journey just keeps getting better. join me? and maybe you could share yours with me. :) lovelovelove.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

For You.

it's been about two, yes two years since I was last on here... writing.

it has been a long two years. long, and quite eventful.

just the other day, I took a "break" from my world and cut off communication with people through my cellphone and computer. and just yesterday, I broke out of hiding.


and I've come to the realization that these "breaks" are something I'll always need. and always look forward to.

they're important to me. i don't know if they affect my well-being as much as my heart, but i'll bet it's both.

sometimes, you've just had enough. enough of what? i don't know... but that's the feeling that precedes my decision that it's time for another break.

you might be wondering what happens during these breaks. a lot, and i mean A LOT of "me" time.

this break followed the conclusion of a bible study i was leading with some friends from high school, where we used a book called Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. On a scale of 1-10, 10 is a huge understatement.

so, i was drained. emotionally and spiritually.
maybe because when i spend myself on people, i do it completely.
and when it involves sharing with them all of who i am, it's like double the spending.
the first drains me emotionally. the latter, drains me spiritually.
somehow, i overlooked my needs. my relationships. including my relationship with God.

and so, taking another break was the best thing i could do. the thing that seemed the most inviting. not a girls night, not talking about it, but resting on Christ's love for a little while. Alone.
and it worked. here i am, after about a week and a half of being alone with Him.
i am renewed in every sense of the word.

I was alone but obviously not lonely.
and then i thought of you.
whoever you are.
Im writing again because i know many of you are, lonely.
And i know many of you look to these pages for companionship. because there are people on here, just like you, looking for the same thing.
and then there are people like me, looking for people like you to share hope with.
so, if you're reading this, let me know. i want to know who you are.

in Christ,
