So, some day last week i saw Inkheart. And let me tell you, i loved it. I'd say it doesn't take much for me to love a movie, but at the same time it does. I don't know what that means either, so let me try to sort this out.
When i watch a movie, i don't expect it to be great, except if it's a Hallmark (Larry Levinson) production, because in my opinion they hardly ever disappoint. Anyways, if the movie turns out great, i love it.
Possible reasons why it was great; (in my young, ignorant opinion) ;)
- beautiful plot. usually something to do with heroic actions, love stories, redemption stories, or something inspiring of that sort.
- the characters are cute. HAHA! girls, you know what i mean ;) (im kidding, im not that superficial.) Geesh.
- if it draws tears, laughs or smiles from me, it was to be a good one.
- when it's over, i feel like it could be made into a saga.
- or i wanna watch it again.
That's how i know, a movie i've just seen is great. I've seen way to many movies to remember all their names, but i know that each one left something in me that moved me, changed me, or made me think. A lot.
Like Inkheart. No this isn't a review of the movie, (cause i don't think im good at reviewing stuff...or things.... its just really hard to explain with the right words... etc). Anyways, this is however, a post about my insight. What really stood out to me from the movie. Which even drew tears and, once again, a lot of thinking afterwards.
For those who haven't seen it, i'll give you guys some sort of...idea of what it's about. I'll try not to make it into a review, and if after reading my description, you find you can write a better one, one that's not so confusing, please do, for me. And send it in! I'll post that one instead. I have a feeling that mine will be confusing and all over the place.
If you haven't seen it, and don't want me to spoil it for you, then please come back next time when there's a different post, or go watch the movie, then resume reading. :)
Now, remember im not great at explaining, but for the sake of this post, ill try my best.
Basically, the movie's about this guy, Mortimer, (Brendan Fraser), "Mo" for short, who has this amazing talent to bring characters out of a book by reading aloud. When his daughter, Meggie (Eliza Hope Bennet) was younger, his father was reading her a story (Inheart) and he drew some characters out of it. Supposedly, when he brought someone out, someone from this world would go into the book. Kinda like a "one for one" situation.
Well, this particular time, his wife, Meggie's mother, went into the book. Ten years later, Meggie finds out about his father's talent and about what really happened to her mom. So now that she knows, they try to look for the book. But before they can find it, they come across the three charaters Mo brought out of the book before. Two villains; Capricorn and Basta and Dustfinger, a fire-eater.
The fire-eater wants Mo to take him back into the book (he can do that too.) For awhile they work against each other, because Dustfinger works for the villain, Capricorn. Capricorn sends Dustfinger to find Mo, when he does, both Mo and Meggie find themselves in the villain's castle. Mo reads a storm out loud and they manage to escape, Dustfinger is now on their side. When Meggie is alone when her father and Dustfinger are out, she discovers that she has the same power her dad does. Shortly after, Capricorn manages to find her as he looks for her dad (he wants to use him to "read" riches and power out of books for his glorious kingdom), but soon realizes Meggie is also gifted and decides to use her instead.
At the end, Capricorn, after He finds out about Meggie's talent, forces her to "read" out "The Shadow" from Inkheart which would give him the necessary power to take over the world completely. Or maybe just his kingdom. As Meggie reads, and does bring out "The Shadow" her dad and the author of Inkheart, hang in the air in a basket looking thing. Meanwhile, the author of the book (sorry i forgot his name) writes another part of the book, (im guessing a happy part, one that would take all the characters back into their books) for Meggie to read aloud, and save herself, along with everyone else from Capricorn and "The Shadow."
Ok, i tried. Forgive me, if that wasn't any good. :S
The Insight.
I found it interesting that the charaters go back into their books like these; their body turns kinda "rock" like and then they "dissolve" into the air... on their way back into the books they came from. (Does that jog your memory, yet?) No... let me keep going then. These characters, once out of their books, and into the real world, are not the characters they were in the books. They change themselves according to how they want to be, not how their Author made them. (Your little lightbulb should start turning on now...)
So, i also find it interesting that the way they go back into the books, (first rock-then dissolved into sand) is like punishment for disobeying the instructions from their Author. You know, like what comes next in the book, in that chapter of their lives. (Come on!) The villain, along with his companions, were disobeying these instructions by trying to become what they wanted to be, not what they were intended to be. However, i know that even though eventually they would've had to go back into the books, if they weren't disobeying, it would've been less brutal. Don't you think so? Like how Dustfinger goes back into Inkheart, way at the end of the movie. ( He does go back, and is just "read" back into the book by Mo.
The whole rock-dissolve thing reminded me of that story in the Bible. (Get it yet?)
Sodom and Gomorrah.
Genesis 19. But the particular verse, is Genesis 19:26. When Lot's wife looks back and immediately "becomes a pillar of salt." I think this relates, somehow. She, like the characters who disobeyed, also disobeyed the voice of the Lord by "looking back," when He clearly said not to. And the result was that she turns into a pillar of salt then dissolves. (or maybe the dissolving only happens in the movies i've seen.) But it's still similar right? Right. Here's another photo. Lot's wife- although i really liked the previous one. It's clearer. -Lot's wife looks back.
Real Life.
So, just like the characters in the book, when we disobey the intructions set for us in the Bible, by the author of our lives, there are consequences. Obviously we don't turn into salt and dissolve, and obviously the Bible doesn't give us a look into the future of our own individual lives, but of the life of "The Churh" as a whole. The consequences however, range from missing out on our own blessings, which God withholds from us because we are not ready for them. We may think we are, because we want them, but God knows us best. Just like parents wouldn't reward their children after disobeying, neither does God reward His childeren when we disobey.
We were meant to live our lives as offerings to Him for the sacrifice He made for us. The offering im talking about isn't a sacrificial offering like they did back in the Old Testament, when they would offer animanls, preferably lambs, as sacrifices for their sins. This kind of offering, while sacrificial in some sence, (beause we sacrifie our own desires for our lives and replace then with His) is meant to be a thankful offering. In consists of a life of worship and seeking His will for our lives. We give Him our lives, not because we "owe" Him anything, (nothing we can do could ever thank Him enough) but because we surrender to our own efforts and try to life our lives the way they should be lived. The way He wants us to live.
We give Him our hearts because we are thankful that He would send His son to die for us, sinners. We die to our own selfish and wicked desires, and seek His purity. This is why we have a choice, a choice to follow Him. We aren't forced to do so, we choose to do so. He never has and never will force Himself upon any one being. If that were the case, don't you think the whole world would be Holy by now? I think so. He could easily change us all if He wanted to. But He doesn't because He wants us to want to want Him, not be forced to want Him. You follow me?
So my friends, here it is. Another long post i know, but i don't think i would've been able to fit everything in that i wanted to say if it was shorter. Sorry :S It is what the Lord placed on my heart, and honestly, i don't know how i managed to write, yet again, another long post.
Questions, comments, concerns? Let me know :)
all my love,
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